
Friday, November 7, 2008

Sei donne per l'assassino (1964)

...aka: Blood and Black Lace
...aka: Blutige Seide
...aka: Fashion House of Death
...aka: Six Women For the Murderer

Directed by:
Mario Bava

This great-looking horror film, along with Bava's THE GIRL WHO KNEW TOO MUCH/THE EVIL EYE (1962), basically created and defined the giallo film genre as we know it. At a decadent high-style fashion house owned by chain-smoking Max Marian (Cameron Mitchell), run by fashionista Countess Cristina Como (Eva Bartok) and populated mainly by wealthy, shallow, vain, deluded and/or just plain troubled men and women, a young, drug-addicted model named Isabella is brutally murdered by a psycho dressed in a black top hat, coat and white, expressionless mask… and armed with a clawed glove. When Isabella's diary, containing information that could bury many of the principals, turns up missing, the list of possible suspects starts to decrease as the body count steadily rises. As is, the story is an uneven cookie-cutter tale of blackmail, revenge and murder, a fact not helped any if you decide to watch the dubbed version (the DVD includes a subtitled option). So instead of dwelling too much on that, focus your attention on the astonishing Technicolor photography and wonderfully clever direction. From frame one, a gorgeous night shot of the fashion house with a blood red sign and blue flashes of lightning illuminating the darkness, this is a true triumph of visual imagination. There are many memorable, boldly-colorful and brutally violent set-pieces that elevate this movie above most others in the crowded genre; a model stalked inside her apartment before being beaten, abducted and having her hand and face scalded on a red-hot furnace, a drowning/wrist slashing with the bathtub quickly filling up with blood, a POV prowling around a room full of multi-colored mannequins, disorienting shots looking into, and tilting out of, various mirrors...

It drags at times and is a bit fractured if you want to be anal about it from a writing standpoint, but really it deserves much praise for daring to move away from the confines of conventional narrative storytelling and for its huge influence on the genre. The cast includes Thomas Reiner as a police inspector, Dante DiPaolo, Franco Ressell, Luciano Pigozzi, Lea "Krugher"/Lander (from Bava's RABID DOGS) and Harriet Medin.


La cabina (1972) (TV)

... aka: Phone Box, The
... aka: Telephone Box, The

Directed by:
Antonio Mercero

I didn't have the pleasure of seeing La cabina when I was a kid, but this 35-minute short has apparently frightened many impressionable tykes over the years. First broadcast on Spanish TV in 1972, it became an overnight sensation there, and then saw new life again over the years; particularly by being broadcast on late night horror shows by the BBC, as early as 1979 (though some sources claim it was first aired in 1981). I'm not aware if this was ever shown in the US or not, and I'm not even aware if it's ever had an official release on video or DVD (there's none that I'm aware of), but it's well worth your time and is easy to find online (try youtube) if you're interested in seeing it.

LA CABINA tells the deceptively simple tale of a nameless middle-aged man (José Luis López Vázquez) who sees his son off one pleasant sunny morning and then steps inside a newly installed red phone box (located in the middle of a busy city square) to make a quick call. Once the door shuts, he finds he can't get it open. A couple of people passing by try to help him out, but no one is able to get the door to budge. The few helpers eventually turn into a virtual mob of spectators, voyeurs and would-be rescuers; sitting, watching, laughing, pointing and even pulling up chairs to see the funny sight of a man who somehow managed to become trapped inside a phone booth. Having the lead character in such a compromising, vulnerable position from which there is no escape, begins as comical, but soon escalates to irritation and discomfort as burly men and even professionals equipped to handle such problems can't even get him out of his predicament. Eventually, the company who installed the telephone box show up. Instead of finding a way to open it, they lift it into a flat bed truck and take off toward... Somewhere. To reveal any more would be unthinkable, but the ending really packs a horrific wallop.

Possibly best described as a gradually building surrealistic nightmare, this manages to provoke more thought and give more insight into what it means to live in an impersonal modern world (among several other timeless themes best explored on your own) than films three times as long. There is very little actual dialogue and what there is is in Spanish with no subtitles, but this is such strong storytelling you don't even need them. It won an International Emmy Award for Fiction in 1973, as well as several other major Spanish awards.


Charlie Boy (1980)

...aka: Hammer House of Horror: Charlie Boy

Directed by:
Robert Young

*I've decided to include all thirteen episodes from the short-lived TV series "Hammer House of Horror" on this website. There are two reasons for this: 1.) Each episode runs 50 minutes and is in essence a feature (short films technically clock in at less than 45 minutes). 2.) More importantly, in the mid-1980s each episode was released separately on video by the ThrillerVideo label and was further padded with commentary from horror hostess Elvira. Since these were very well distributed titles, and in keeping with the video-store feel of the website, I felt it important to keep these titles in the database and review them all individually.*

Not-bad entry in the series; well acted, with enjoyable lead characters, some creepy scenes and a few decent plot twists. Charlie Boy refers to a black, wooden African fetish (a voodoo doll possessing supernatural powers) that's found by our hero Graham (Leigh Lawson) amongst other antiques at his recently deceased uncle's estate. Unfortunately, the property and money has to be split down the middle with his pompous, greedy brother Mark (Michael Culver). Both originally planned to invest their newfound wealth in a film production company, but Mark decides to get greedy and bail out, leaving Graham frustrated and angry. Glancing over a picture of his brother and a few others in his social circle, Graham jabs a knife into the doll and inadvertently unleashes a voodoo curse that has to run full circle before it will stop. Everyone in the picture, not just Mark, become the target of "accidental" death as the curse runs its course. Mark ends up getting impaled on a piece of farm machinery after an unfortunate horse riding accident, a film director friend suffers an on-set accident involving a crossbow, the estate maid ends up dead in a bathtub full of blood... Before long, everyone in the picture is dead except Graham and his wife Sarah (Angela Bruce), who consult an occult expert (Marius Goring) and race against time to destroy the doll (which turns up missing). Likable cast, especially Lawson and Bruce, help anchor the story.

Score: 6.5 out of 10

Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things (1972)

...aka: Revenge of the Living Dead
...aka: Things From the Dead
...aka: Zombie Graveyard
...aka: Zreaks

Directed by:
Bob Clark

High points for weirdness here in one of the first and most unique zombie flicks to follow on the heels of Romero's trend-setting 1968 classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. In this case, the style of unique will either delight and amuse or infuriate and annoy. It just depends on who you are. The characters in this one are pretty out-there, and they like to talk. A lot. A group of six self-proclaimed "jaded young deviants" (pretentious, smart-ass actors) travel to a secluded island cottage off of Miami, where extreme asshole theater director Alan (Alan Ormsby) plots to raise the dead using a "grimori" (ancient Satanic text). It starts as a joke, but the spells actually ends up working, the dead rise and attack in a NOTLD-style ambush on the house. CHILDREN doesn't have much action in the first hour. It's all talk, talk, talk... Ormsby's character consistently makes such an ass of himself and is such a jerk, you can't wait to see him bite it. His wife Anya Ormsby plays a waif-like near mute and most of the side characters (the studly actor, the spunky young actress and the pudgy, balding easy target) are equally forgettable. The most likable of the bunch is Valerie Mamches (playing Val), the one who can go toe-to-toe with Alan's consistent stream of condescending insults. Thankfully, it picks up for a strong and genuinely creepy finale, and also offers the aforementioned excellent dead-rising-from-ground sequence, an effective, foggy graveyard setting and good, scary make-up FX from star Ormsby (who also worked on the screenplay).

Filmed in Florida; it was the feature debut of Bob (credited as "Benjamin") Clark, who'd go on to make DEATHDREAM (1972), BLACK CHRISTMAS (1974) and MURDER BY DECREE (1979). Chris Martell (co-star of FLESH FEAST and SCREAM BABY SCREAM) was the production manager.


Beware! Children at Play (1989)

...aka: Goblins

Directed by:
Mik Cribben

A college professor and his young son are camping in the woods. Dad steps on a bear trap, goes crazy and dies, then the son stabs his chest, pulls out his liver and eats it. Ten years later, that same now-teen boy (Danny McClaughlin) is hiding out in the woods and kidnapping kids for his cult of "woodies," who kill and eat the adults of a small town. The kids worship the legend of Beowulf and the leader calls himself Grendel. A controversial author of the paranormal (Michael Robertson), his bitchy wife (Lori Tirgrath) and their young daughter show up to help a friendly sheriff (Rich Hamilton) cope with the disappearance of his teen daughter (Lorna Courtney), who is now part of the cult. Eventually a redneck posse is organized by a "bible thumping moron" (played by the director) to go after them. If you like to see little kids getting killed in gory ways, you've got it here. When the posse attacks, they stab, shoot, impale and dismember a whole camp of the little psychos. One even has his head blown off with a shotgun! There's also a strange rape scene involving Grendel and the sheriff's (insane) wife (Robin Lilly). The enthusiastic little kids must have had a great time dressing in ragged clothes, running around in the woods and chanting, "Gulp the blood! Gobble the flesh!" OK, this is stupid, silly and cheap, with some of the most awkward and unnatural sounding dialogue scenes I've heard, but it's still a hell of a lot more fun to watch than the overrated CHILDREN OF THE CORN.

The director had previously appeared in an acting role in NIGHTMARE IN A DAMAGED BRAIN (1981), and done production work on a variety of other films since the mid-70s, such as SQUIRM (1976), THE DEADLY SPAWN (1983) and ROBOT HOLOCAUST (1986). Jim Muro (who had directed the gory cult hit STREET TRASH in 1987) operated the steadicam and went on to do the same on big budget Hollywood films, such as TERMINATOR II and TITANIC. It was filmed in Unionville, New York under the title GOBLINS and finally released by Troma (in a fun video box that I made into a T-shirt) in 1995.

Score: 3 out of 10

Crucible of Horror (1970)

...aka: Corpse, The
...aka: Velvet House, The

Directed by:
Viktors Ritelis

A passive artist housewife (Yvonne Mitchell) and her nubile, sheltered teen daughter (Sharon Gurney) decide they’ve suffered enough at the hands of controlling, abusive husband/dad Michael Gough. They devise an elaborate scheme to get rid of him and think they do, but the corpse doesn’t seem to stay put for long. Nothing really original or special; this owes quite a bit to the French classic LES DIABOLIQUES, but Gough (whose real-life son Simon Gough plays same here) is impressively despicable and there are a few good suspense/horror sequences.

Score: 5 out of 10

Z Titles

Films are listed by their original English-language release title when available. If the film has not been officially released in the U.S. then I'll use the informal release title. If that's not an option, then I'll go with the original foreign release title. I am trying to database every horror title made between 1950 - 1990 right here and will constantly be adding more in the future so make sure to check back! A * next to a title means I have it rated and have uploaded a photo but haven't done the review yet. If you see anything missing, shoot me a message and it will be added.


[TV] = Either made specifically for TV or debuted on TV.
[X] = Contains hardcore sex.
[short] = Has a running time of less than 45 minutes.
[doc] = Genre-themed documentary; includes mondo shockumentaries.
[unreleased] = Film has never been released, perhaps not even completed.
[missing] = No prints are known to exist.
BLUE = USA, Canada
RED = Most of Asia, Turkey, India
ORANGE = Central and South America, Spain and Portugal
YELLOW = Most of Europe, Russia
PURPLE = Australia, New Zealand
GREEN = Africa and the Middle East


- Zaat* (Attack of the Swamp Creature; Blood Waters of Dr. Z) (1971; Don Barton) USA
- Zangha (The Rings) (1985; Mohamad Reza Honarmand) Iran
- Zeder (Revenge of the Dead; Voices from the Beyond) (1983; Pupi Avati) Italy
- Zero Boys, The (1986; Nico Mastorakis) USA
- Zero in and Scream (Sex Power; Target Massacre) (1971; Lee Frost) USA
- Zodiac Killer, The (Zodiac; The Zodiak Killer) (1971; Tom Hanson) USA
- Zoltan... Hound of Dracula (Dracula's Dog) (1978; Albert Band) Italy, USA
- Zombie (Island of the Living Dead; Zombi 2; Zombie Flesh Eaters) (1979; Lucio Fulci) Italy
- Zombie 3 (Zombie Flesh Eaters 2) (1988; Lucio Fulci, Claudio Fragasso, Bruno Mattei) Italy
- Zombie 4 (After Death; Zombie Flesh Eaters 3) (1989; Claudio Fragasso) Italy
- Zombie 5: The Killing Birds (Killing birds - uccelli assassini) (1987; Claudio Lattanzi) Italy
- Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence (Zombie '09) (1991 [filmed in 1990]; Andreas Schnaas) Germany
- Zombie Brigade (Night Crawl) (1988 [filmed in 1986]; Carmelo Musca, Barrie Pattison) Australia
- Zombie Child (The Child; Kill and Go Hide) (1977; Robert Voskanian) USA
- Zombie Death House (Death House) (1988; John Saxon) USA
- Zombie High (The School That Ate My Brain) (1987; Ron Link) USA
- Zombie Holocaust (Dr. Butcher: Medical Deviate) (1980; Mario Girolami) Italy
- Zombie Island Massacre (The Last Picnic) (1984 [filmed in 1982]; John N. Carter) USA
- Zombie Lake (Lac des morts vivants) (1980; Jean Rollin) France, Spain
- Zombie Nightmare (1987; Jack Bravman, John Fasano) Canada
- Zombie Party (1989; Rodd Matsui, Samuel Oldham, Scott Tanaga) [short] USA
- Zombie Rampage (1989; Todd Sheets) USA
- Zombies of Mora Tau, The (The Dead That Walk) (1957; Edward L. Cahn) USA
- Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952; Fred C. Brannon) USA
- Zombiethon (1986; Ken Dixon) USA
- Zombie vs. Ninja (Zodiac America; Zombie Rivals) (1989; Godfrey Ho) Hong Kong
- Zombie Walks, The (Im Banne des Unheimlichen) (1968; Alfred Vohrer) West Germany
- Zone of Silence, The (La zona del silencio) (1990; Rodolfo de Anda) Mexico
- Zone Troopers (1985; Danny Bilson) Italy, USA
- Zontar, the Thing from Venus (Invader from Venus) (1966; Larry Buchanan) USA
- Zoom In: Rape Apartments (Zûmu in: Bôkô danchi) (1980; Naosuke Kurosawa) Japan
- Zoom Up: Rape Site (Zûmu appu: bôkô genba) (1979; Kôyû Ohara) Japan
- Zorro vs. Satan (El látigo conta Satanás; The Whip vs. Satan) (1979; Alfredo B. Crevenna) Mexico
- Zorro vs. the Killer Mummies (El látigo contra las momias asesinas) (1980; Ángel Rodríguez Vázquez) Mexico
- Zotz! (1962; William Castle) USA
- Zuma (1985; Jun Raquiza) Philippines
- Zume 2: Hell Serpent (Anak ni Zuma; Daughter of Anik) (1987; Ben Yalung) Philippines
- Zu Warriors (Suk san: San Suk saan geen hap) (1983; Hark Tsui) Hong Kong

W Titles

Films are listed by their original English-language release title when available. If the film has not been officially released in the U.S. then I'll use the informal release title. If that's not an option, then I'll go with the original foreign release title. I am trying to database every horror title made between 1950 - 1990 right here and will constantly be adding more in the future so make sure to check back! A * next to a title means I have it rated and have uploaded a photo but haven't done the review yet. If you see anything missing, shoot me a message and it will be added.


[TV] = Either made specifically for TV or debuted on TV.
[X] = Contains hardcore sex.
[short] = Has a running time of less than 45 minutes.
[doc] = Genre-themed documentary; includes mondo shockumentaries.
[unreleased] = Film has never been released, perhaps not even completed.
[missing] = No prints are known to exist.
BLUE = USA, Canada
RED = Most of Asia, India
GREY = UK, Ireland
ORANGE = Central and South America, Spain and Portugal
YELLOW = Most of Europe, Russia
PURPLE = Australia, New Zealand
GREEN = Africa, Middle East, Turkey


- W (I Want Her Dead; W Is the Mark of Death) (1974; Richard Quine) USA
- Wacko (Crazy Doctor in Love) (1982; Greydon Clark) USA
Wail of the Ghost (Bloody SmileManglyeong-ui gog) (1980; Yun-kyo Park) South Korea
- Wait Until Dark (1967; Terence Young) USA
- Walls Have Eyes, The (1969; Steve Hawkes) USA
- Wanda Does Transylvania (1990; Kenny Gibb) [X] USA
- Wanda the Sadistic Hypnotist (The Sadistic Hypnotist) (1969; Greg Corarito) USA
- Wanda Whips the Dragon Lady (1990; Kenny Gibb) [X] USA
- War Game, The (1965; Peter Watkins) UK
- Warlock* (1989; Steve Miner) USA
- Warlock Moon (Bloody Spa) (1973; Bill Herbert) USA
- Warlock of the Battlefield (Tuo gu gui jian lang yan) (1977; Hsing-Lai Wang) Taiwan
- Warning Sign (Biohazard) (1985; Hal Barwood) USA
- Warning to the Curious, A (1972; Lawrence Gordon Clark) [TV] UK
- War of the Colossal Beast (The Terror Strikes) (1958; Bert I. Gordon) USA
- War of the Gargantuas (Furankenshutain no kaiju: Sanda tai Gaira) (1966; Ishirô Honda) Japan
- War of the Insects (Genocide; Konchu daisenso) (1968; Kazui Nihonmatsu) Japan
- War of the Monsters (Daikaijû kettô: Gamera tai Barugon) (1966; Shigeo Tanaka) Japan
- War of the Satellites (1958; Roger Corman) USA
- War of the Worlds, The (H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds) (1953; Byron Haskin) USA
- War of the Zombies (Night Star; Roma contro Roma) (1964; Giuseppe Vari) Italy
Warp Speed (1981; Allan Sandler) USA
- Warrior, The (Jaka Sembung) (1981; Sisworo Gautama Putra) Indonesia
- War Victims (Day of the Escape; Kamp tawanan wanita) (1983; Jopi Burnama) Indonesia
- Wasp Woman, The* (The Bee Girl; Insect Woman) (1959; Roger Corman) USA
- Watcher in the Attic (Edogawa Rampo ryôki-kan: Yaneura no sanposha) (1976; Noboru Tanaka) Japan
- Watcher in the Woods, The (1980; John Hough, Vincent McEveety) USA
- Watchers (1988; Jon Hess) Canada
- Watchers II (1990; Thierry Notz) USA
- Watch Me When I Kill (Il gatto dagli occhi di giada) (1977; Antonio Bido) Italy
- Watch Out (Gui gan you yuan) (1986; Pasan Leung) Hong Kong
- Watch the Sparrow Bleed (1989; Gareth Jackson) [short] UK
- Water Power (Enema Bandit; The Enema Killer) (1977; Shaun Costello) [X] USA
- Waves of Lust (A Wave of Lust; Una ondata di piacere) (1975; Ruggero Deodato) Italy
- Waxwork* (1988; Anthony Hickox) UK, USA, West Germany
- Way to Shadow Garden, The (1954; Stan Brakhage) [short] USA
- Weak-kneed from Fear of Ghost-Cat (Kaibyo koshinuke daisodo) (1954; T. Saitô) Japan
- Weasels Rip My Flesh (1979; Nathan Schiff) USA
- Web of Death, The (Wu du tian luo) (1976; Yuen Chor) Hong Kong
- Web of Deception (Deception; Jing hun ji) (1989; David Chung) Hong Kong
- Web of the Spider (Netta stretta morsa dei ragno) (1971; A. Margheriti) France, Italy, WG
- Wedding Dress of the Ghost (Mangryongui Wechingturesu) (1981; Yun-kyo Park) SK
- Wedding Trough (Vase de noces; The Pig Fucking Movie) (1975; Thierry Zéno) Belgium
- Wednesday Children, The (1973; Robert D. West) USA
- Weekend Murders, The (Concerto per pistola solista) (1970; Michele Lupo) Italy
- Weekend of Fear (1966; Joe Danford) USA
- Weirdo, The (Weirdo: The Beginning) (1989; Andy Milligan) USA
- Welcome to Arrow Beach (Cold Storage; Tender Flesh) (1974; Laurence Harvey) USA
- Welcome to Spring Break (Nightmare Beach) (1989; Umberto Lenzi) Italy, USA
- Wendigo (1978; Paul Kener) Canada, USA
- We're Going to Eat You (Cannibal Kung Fu; Diyu wu men) (1980; Hark Tsui) Hong Kong
- Werewolf, The (1956; Fred F. Sears) USA
- Werewolf (Jing jok phee sing; Mnusy hmapa) (1987; Sommai Khamsorn) Thailand
- Werewolf (1987; David Hemmings) [TV] USA
- Werewolf Hour, The (Chas oborotnya) (1990; Igor Shevchenko) [TV] Soviet Union
- Werewolf in a Girls Dormitory (Lycanthropus) (1961; Paolo Heusch) Austria, Italy
- Werewolf of Washington, The (1973; Milton Moses Ginsberg) USA
- Werewolf of Woodstock ("The Wide World of Mystery" series) (1975; John Moffitt) [TV] USA
- Werewolf Orderlies (Sanitary-oborotni) (1984; Evgeniy Yufit) [short] Soviet Union
- Werewolf vs. the Vampire Woman (La noche de Walpurgis) (1971; L. Klimovsky) Spain, WG
- Werewolves on Wheels (Angel Warriors 2) (1971; Michel Levesque) USA
- Westworld (1973; Michael Crichton) USA
- Wet Wilderness (1976; Lee Cooper) [X] USA
- Wewe Gombel (1988; B.Z. Kadaryono) Indonesia
- What a Carve Up! (No Place Like Homicide) (1961; Pat Jackson) UK
- What Became of Jack and Jill? (Romeo and Juliet '71) (1972; Bill Bain) UK
- What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969; Lee H. Katzin) USA
- What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?* (1962; Robert Aldrich) USA
- What Have They Done to Your Daughters? (Coed Murders; La polizia chiede aiuto) (1974; Massimo Dallamano) Italy
- What Have You Done to Solange? (Cosa avete fatto a Solange?) (1971; Massimo Dallamano) Italy, West Germany
- What's the Matter With Helen? (1971; Curtis Harrington) USA
- What the Peeper Saw (Diabólica malicia) (1971; James Kelley) Italy, Spain, UK, WG
- What Waits Below (Secrets of the Phantom Caverns) (1985 [filmed in 1983]; Don Sharp) UK
- Wheels of Terror (Terror in Copper Valley) (1990; Christopher Cain) [TV] USA
- When a Stranger Calls (1979; Fred Walton) USA
- When Michael Calls (Shattered Silence) (1972; Philip Leacock) [TV] USA
- When the Gods Fall Asleep (Quando os Deuses Adormecem) (1972; José Mojica Marins) Brazil
- When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970; Val Guest) UK
- When Worlds Collide (1951; Rudolph Maté) USA
- Where's Officer Tuba? (Pi li da la ba) (1986; Philip Chan, Ricky Lau) Hong Kong
- Whip and the Body, The (La frusta e il corpo; What!) (1963; Mario Bava) France, Italy
- Whiplash (Vandarhögg) (1980; Hrafn Gunnlaugsson) [TV] Iceland
- Whirlpool (L'enfer de l'erotismo) (1970; José Ramón Larraz) Denmark, UK
- Whiskey Mountain (1977; William Grefe) USA
- Whisper in the Dark, A (Un sussurro nel buio) (1976; Marcello Aliprandi) Italy
- Whispering Soul (Bisikin Arwah; Whisper of the Dead) (1988; Jopi Burnama) Indonesia
- Whispers (1990; Douglas Jackson) Canada, UKUSA
- Whisper to a Scream, A (Love You to Death) (1989; Robert Bergman) Canada, South Africa
- Whistle and I'll Come to You ("Omnibus" series) (1968; Jonathan Miller) [TV] UK
- White Alligator, The (Buaya putih) (1982; Fritz G. Schadt) Indonesia
- White Buffalo, The (Hunt to Kill) (1977; J. Lee Thompson) USA
- White Cannibal Queen (Mondo cannibale) (1980; Jesus Franco) France, Italy, Spain
- White Crocodile, The (Ratu buaya putih) (1988; H. Tjut Djalil) Indonesia
- White Dog (1982; Samuel Fuller) USA
- White Jungle Slave (La esclava blanca; White Slave) (1985; Jesus Franco) Spain
- White of the Eye (1987; Donald Cammell) UK, USA
- White Reindeer, The (Noita; Valkoinen peura) (1952; Erik Blomberg) Finland
- White Snake Girl (Hakuja komachi) (1958; Mitsuo Hirotsu) Japan
- Who Can Kill a Child? (¿Quién puede matar a un niño?) (1976; Narciso Ibáñez Serrador) Spain
- Who Cares! (Ghost Killer; Guan ren gui shi) (1989; Chiu-Jun Lee) Hong Kong
- Whoever Sows Hate Will Reap Disaster (Siapa Menabur Benci Akan Menuai Bencana) (1988; Ackyl Anwari) Indonesia
- Who Saw Her Die? (The Child; Chi l'ha vista morire?) (1972; Aldo Lado) Italy, WG
- Who Slew Auntie Roo? (Gingerbread House) (1972; Curtis Harrington) UK
- Wicked, The* (Outback Vampires; Tomorrow's News) (1987; Colin Eggleston) Australia
- Wicked Stepmother (1989; Larry Cohen) USA
- Wicked, Wicked (1973; Richard L. Bare) USA
- Wicked Wife (Curse of the Wicked Wife; Xie qi) (1981; Ming Chin, Kuang Hui) Taiwan
- Wicked Women ("The World of Hammer" series) (1990; Robert Sidaway) [TV] UK
- Wicker Man, The (1973; Robin Hardy) UK
- Wild Beasts, The (Savage Beasts; Wild Beasts - Belve feroci) (1984; Franco Prosperi) Italy
- Wild in the Streets (1968; Barry Shear) USA
- Wild Wild Planet (I criminali della galassia) (1965; Antonio Margheriti) Italy
- Willard (1971; Daniel Mann) USA
- Willies, The (1990; Brian Peck) USA
- Wind, The (Edge of Terror) (1986; Nico Mastorakis) Greece, USA
- Winterbeast (1991 [filmed in 1989]; Christopher Thies) USA
- Winter Heat (Snowbound) (1976; Claude Goddard) [X] USA
- Witch, The (Noita palaa elämään) (1952; Roland af Hällström) Finland
- Witch, The (La bruja) (1954; Chano Urueta) Mexico
- Witch, The (Aura; La strega in amore; Strange Obsession) (1966; Damiano Damiani) Italy
- Witch Academy (Little Devils) (1995 [filmed in 1990]; Fred Olen Ray) USA
- Witchboard (1986; Kevin S. Tenney) USA
- Witchcraft (Witchcraft: The Doll in Brambles) (1961; Harold Young) [short] USA
- Witchcraft (1964; Don Sharp) UK
- Witchcraft (Witch and Warlock) (1988; Rob Spera) USA
- Witchcraft II: The Temptress (1989; Mark Woods) USA
- Witchdoctor of the Living Dead (1985; Charles Abi Enonchong) Nigeria
- Witchery (Ghosthouse 2; La Casa 4: Witchcraft) (1988; Fabrizio Laurenti) Italy
- Witches, The (The Devil's Own) (1966; Cyril Frankel) UK
- Witches, The (1990; Nicolas Roeg) UK, USA
- Witches' Brew (Weird Woman) (1980 [f/1978]; Richard Shorr, Herbert L. Strock) USA
- Witches' Hammer, The (Kladivo na carodejnice) (1970; Otakar Vávra) Czechoslovakia
- Witches' Mountain, The (El monte de las brujas) (1972; Raúl Artigot) Spain
- Witches of Eastwick, The* (1987; George Miller) USA
- Witches' Sabbath, The (La visione del Sabba) (1988; Marco Bellocchio) France, Italy
- Witchfinder General (The Conqueror Worm) (1968; Michael Reeves) UK
- Witchfire (A Sonnet for the Hunter) (1986; Vincent J. Privitera) USA
- Witch from Nepal (Qi yuan; The Nepal Affair) (1986; Siu-Tung Ching) Hong Kong
Witching, The (re-edit of Necromancy with new footage) (1983; Bert I. Gordon) USA
- Witching Time* (Hammer House of Horror: Witching Time) (1980) [TV] UK
- Witchmaker, The (Legend of Witch Hollow; Witchkill) (1969; William O. Brown) USA
- Witch's Curse, The (Maciste all'infernto; Maciste in Hell) (1960; Riccardo Freda) Italy
- Witch's Mirror, The (El espejo de la bruja) (1962; Chano Urueta) Mexico
- Witch Story (Streghe; Streghe - Witch Story; Superstition 2) (1989; Alessandro Capone) Italy
- Witch Trap (The Presence) (1989; Kevin S. Tenney) USA
- Witch Who Came from the Sea, The* (1976; Matt Cimber) USA
- Witch with Flying Head, The (Fei taugh mo neuih) (1982; Ren-Chieh Chang) HKTaiwan
- Witch Without a Broom (Una bruja sin escoba) (1967; José María Elorrieta) Spain, USA
- With Fear in the Veins (Con el miedo en las venas) (1990; José Luis García Agraz) Mexico
- With Friends Like These... (1991 [copyright 1990]; Chris Malazdrewicz, Thomas Parkinson, Alain Zaloum) Canada
- Within the Woods (1978; Sam Raimi) [short] USA
- Without Warning! (1952; Arnold Laven) USA
- Without Warning (Alien Warning; It Came Without Warning) (1980; Greydon Clark) USA
- Wizard of Gore, The (1970 [filmed in 1968]; Herschell Gordon Lewis) USA
- Wizard of Mars, The (Horrors of the Red Planet) (1965; David L. Hewitt) USA
- Wolf (The Fox; Srigala) (1981; Sisworo Gautama Putra) Indonesia
- Wolf Devil Woman (Lang nu bai mo; Wolfen Ninja) (1982; Pearl Chang) Taiwan
- Wolfen (1981; Michael Wadleigh) USA
Wolf Girl, The (Lang nu) (1974; Tung Man Chan and Kuang Hui) Taiwan, Thailand
- Wolf Guy (Urufu gai: Moero ôkami-otoko) (1975; Kazuhiko Yamaguchi) Japan
- Wolfman* (1979; Worth Keeter) USA
- Wolfman of Galicia (The Ancines Woods; El bosque del lobo) (1970; Pedro Olea) Spain
- Wolfman Tom (Tom the Werewolf; Vilkatis Toms) (1984; Eriks Lacis) Soviet Union
- Wolf's Hole (Vlci bouda; Wolf's Lair) (1987; Vera Chytilová) Czechoslovakia
Woman and the Beast, The (La mujer y la bestia) (1959; Alfonso Corona Blake) Mexico
- Woman Called Sada Abe, A (Jitsuroku Abe Sada) (1975; Noboru Tanaka) Japan
- Woman Despiser (Kadin düsmani) (1967; Ilhan Engin) Turkey
- Woman Eater, The (Womaneater) (1958; Charles Saunders) UK
Woman from the Sea (Kaitei kara kita onna) (1959; Koreyoshi Kurahara) Japan
- Woman Hunt, The (Escape; The Highest Bidder) (1972; Eddie Romero) Philippines, USA
- Woman in a Box: Virgin Sacrifice (Hako no naka no onna: shojo ikenie) (1985; Masaru Konuma) Japan
- Woman in a Box 2 (Hako no naka no onna II) (1988; Masaru Konuma) Japan
- Woman in Black, The* (1989; Herbert Wise) [TV] UK
- Woman in the Room, The (1983; Frank Darabont) [short] USA
- Woman Obsessed, A (Bad Blood; A Woman's Obsession) (1989; Chuck Vincent) USA
- Woman of Desire, The (A Mulher do Desejo) (1975; Carlos Christensen) Brazil
- Woman of Fire (Hwanyeo) (1971; Ki-young Kim) South Korea
- Woman of Fire '82 (Hwanyeo '82) (1982; Ki-young Kim) South Korea
- Woman Possessed, A (La endemoniada) (1968; Emilio Gómez Muriel) Mexico
- Woman Possessed, A (La papesse) (1975; Mario Mercier) France
- Woman's Grudge, A (Grudge of Woman; Hannyeo) (1981; Yu-seob Lee) South Korea
- Woman's Revenge, A (Intikam kadini) (1979; Naki Yurter) Turkey
- Woman's Torment, A (1977; Roberta Findlay) [X] USA
Woman's Transformation (Wanita Jelmaan) (1990; Sofyan Sharna) Indonesia
- Woman's Wail (Cry of a Woman; Yeogokseong) (1986; Hyeok-su Lee) South Korea
- Woman Who Makes Doves Fly, The (A Mulher Que Põe a Pomba no Ar) (1978; Rosângela Maldonado, José Mojica Marins) Brazil
- Woman Who Wouldn't Die, The (Catacombs) (1965; Gordon Hessler) UK
- Woman with Knife (1980; Cheung Chi-Chiu) Taiwan
- Women and Bloody Terror (His Wife's Habit) (1970; Joy N. Houck Jr.) USA
- Women in Cellblock 9 (Frauen für Zellenblock 9) (1978; Jesus Franco) Switzerland
- Women of the Prehistoric Planet (1966; Arthur C. Pierce) USA
- Women's Camp 119 (KZ9 - Lager di Sterminio) (1977; Bruno Mattei) Italy
- Women's Prison Massacre (Emamuelle fuga dall'inferno) (1983; Bruno Mattei) France, Italy
- Women's Rage in Three Countries (Samguk yeohan; Three Furies) (1982; In Soo Kim) SK
- Women Without Innocence (Frauen ohne Unschuld) (1978; Jesus Franco) Switzerland
- Wonder Women (The Deadly and the Beautiful) (1973; Robert Vincent O'Neill) Philippines, USA
- Woodchipper Massacre (1988; Jon McBride) USA
Woodcutter (LesorubLumberjack) (1985; Evgeniy Yufit) [short] Soviet Union
- Working Stiffs (1989; Michael Legge) USA
- World Beyond, The (Monster; The Mud Monster) (1978; Noel Black) [TV] USA
- World of Dracula, The (Cliffhangers: The Curse of Dracula) (1979; Jeffrey Hayden, Kenneth Johnson, Sutton Roley) [TV] USA
- World of the Dead, The (The Afterworld; Sahusegye) (1986; Il-Ho Jang) South Korea
- World of the Vampires, The (El mundo de los vampiros) (1961; Alfonso Corona Blake) Mexico
- Worm Eaters, The (1977; Herb Robins) USA
- Worst of Faces of Death, The (1987; John Alan Schwartz) [doc] USA
- Wraith, The* (Interceptor; Phantom) (1986; Mike Marvin) Canada, USA
- Wrestling Women vs. the Aztec Mummy (Las luchadores contra la momia) (1964; René Cardona) Mexico
- Wrestling Women vs. the Killer Robot (Las luchadores contra el robot asesino) (1969; René Cardona) Mexico
- Writhing Tongue (Furueru shita) (1980; Yoshitarô Nomura) Japan
- Wrong Way (1972; Ray Williams) USA

Y Titles

Films are listed by their original English-language release title when available. If the film has not been officially released in the U.S. then I'll use the informal release title. If that's not an option, then I'll go with the original foreign release title. I am trying to database every horror title made between 1950 - 1990 right here and will constantly be adding more in the future so make sure to check back! A * next to a title means I have it rated and have uploaded a photo but haven't done the review yet. If you see anything missing, shoot me a message and it will be added.


[TV] = Either made specifically for TV or debuted on TV.
[X] = Contains hardcore sex.
[short] = Has a running time of less than 45 minutes.
[doc] = Genre-themed documentary; includes mondo shockumentaries.
[unreleased] = Film has never been released, perhaps not even completed.
[missing] = No prints are known to exist.
BLUE = USA, Canada
RED = Most of Asia, Turkey, India
ORANGE = Central and South America, Spain and Portugal
YELLOW = Most of Europe, Russia
PURPLE = Australia, New Zealand
GREEN = Africa


Yambaó (Cry of the Bewitched) (1957; Alfredo B. Crevenna) Cuba, Mexico, USA
- Yellow Fangs (Rimeinzu: Utsukushiki yuusha-tachi) (1990; Shin'ichi Chiba) Japan
- Yellow Wallpaper, The (1989; John Clive) [TV] Canada, USA
- Yeti (Yeti - il gigante del 20. secolo) (1977; Gianfranco Parolini) Italy
- Yog, Monster from Space (Gezora, Ganime, Kameba, Kessen!) (1970; Ishirô Honda) Japan
- Yokai Monsters: Along with Ghosts (Tôkaidô obake dôchû) (1969; Yoshiyuki Kuroda, Kimiyoshi Yasuda) Japan
- Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters (Yôkai hyaku monogatari) (1968; Kimiyoshi Yasuda) Japan
- Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare (Yôkai daisensô) (1968; Yoshiyuki Kuroda) Japan
- Yongary, Monster from the Deep (Taekoesu Yonggary) (1967; Ki-duk Kim) Japan, South Korea
- Yoso (Bronze Magician; Priest & Empress) (1963; Teinosuke Kinugasa) Japan
Yotsuya Ghost Story (Yotsuya kaidan) (1956; Masaki Môri) Japan
- Yotsuya Ghost Story (Yotsuya kaidan) (1959; Kenji Misumi) Japan
- Youjo Melon (1987; Masayuki Kusumi) Japan
- You Killed Me First (1985; Richard Kern) [short] USA
- You'll Like My Mother (1972; Lamont Johnson) USA
- Young Dracula (Il cav. Costante Nicosia demoniaco, ovvero: Dracula in Brianza) (1975; Lucio Fulci) Italy
- Young Dracula, The (El jovecinto Drácula) (1977; Carlos Benpar) Spain
- Young Frankenstein* (1974; Mel Brooks) USA
- You're Driving Me Crazy (1990; Michael Wachniuc) Canada
- Your Sweet Body to Kill (Il tuo corpo da uccidere) (1970; Alfonso Brescia) Italy, Spain
- Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (Il tuo vizio è una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave) (1972; Sergio Martino) Italy

X Titles

Films are listed by their original English-language release title when available. If the film has not been officially released in the U.S. then I'll use the informal release title. If that's not an option, then I'll go with the original foreign release title. I am trying to database every horror title made between 1950 - 1990 right here and will constantly be adding more in the future so make sure to check back! A * next to a title means I have it rated and have uploaded a photo but haven't done the review yet. If you see anything missing, shoot me a message and it will be added.


[TV] = Either made specifically for TV or debuted on TV.
[X] = Contains hardcore sex.
[short] = Has a running time of less than 45 minutes.
[doc] = Genre-themed documentary; includes mondo shockumentaries.
[unreleased] = Film has never been released, perhaps not even completed.
[missing] = No prints are known to exist.
BLUE = USA, Canada
RED = Most of Asia, Turkey, India
ORANGE = Central and South America, Spain and Portugal
YELLOW = Most of Europe, Russia
PURPLE = Australia, New Zealand
GREEN = Africa


- Xenia (1990; Dennis Edwards, Dana M. Reeves) USA
- X from Outer Space (Gilala; Uchu daikaiju Girara) (1967; Kazui Nihonmatsu) Japan
- X: The Man with X-Ray Eyes* (X) (1963; Roger Corman) USA
- X: The Unknown (1956; Joseph Losey, Leslie Norman) UK
- Xtro (1982; Harry Bromley Davenport) UK, USA
- Xtro II: The Second Encounter (1990; Harry Bromley Davenport) Canada

V Titles

Films are listed by their original English-language release title when available. If the film has not been officially released in the U.S. then I'll use the informal release title. If that's not an option, then I'll go with the original foreign release title. I am trying to database every horror title made between 1950 - 1990 right here and will constantly be adding more in the future so make sure to check back! A * next to a title means I have it rated and have uploaded a photo but haven't done the review yet. If you see anything missing, shoot me a message and it will be added.


[TV] = Either made specifically for TV or debuted on TV.
[X] = Contains hardcore sex.
[short] = Has a running time of less than 45 minutes.
[doc] = Genre-themed documentary; includes mondo shockumentaries.
[unreleased] = Film has never been released, perhaps not even completed.
[missing] = No prints are known to exist.
BLUE = USA, Canada
RED = Most of Asia, Turkey, India
ORANGE = Central and South America, Spain and Portugal
YELLOW = Most of Europe, Russia
PURPLE = Australia, New Zealand
GREEN = Africa


- Vacation for a Massacre
(Vacanze per un massacro) (1980; Fernando Di Leo) Italy
- Vacation in Hell, A (1979; David Greene) [TV] USA
- Vacation of Terror (Vacaciones de terror) (1989; René Cardona III) Mexico
- Vacation of Terror II (Vacaciones de terror 2) (1990; Pedro Galindo III) Mexico
- Valentina (1989; Santiago Garcia) Philippines
- Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (Valerie a týden divu) (1970; Jaromil Jires) Czech
- Valley of Blood (Legend of Valley of Blood) (1973; Dean Turner) USA
- Valley of Gwangi, The (1969; Jim O'Connolly) USA
- Vamp* (1986; Richard Wenk) USA
- Vampir (Cuadecuc, vampir) (1970; Pere Portabella) Spain
- Vampire, The (El vampiro) (1957; Fernando Méndez) Mexico
- Vampire, The (Mark of the Vampire) (1957; Paul Landres) USA
Vampire, The (Pontianak) (1957; B. Narayan Rao) [missing] Singapore
- Vampire (1979; E.W. Swackhamer) [TV] USA
- Vampire and the Ballerina, The (L'amante del vampiro) (1960; Renato Polselli) Italy
- Vampire at Midnight (Murder at Midnight) (1988; Gregory McClatchy) USA
- Vampire Buster (Zhuo gui da shi) (1989; Norman Law Man, Stanley Wing Siu) Hong Kong
- Vampire Circus* (1972; Robert Young) UK
- Vampire Cop (1990; Donald Farmer) USA
- Vampire Doll, The (Yûreiyashiki no kyôfu: Chi o suu ningyô) (1970; M. Yamamoto) Japan
- Vampire Dominator, The (Han shan shi bian) (1984; Chung-Kuang Wang) Taiwan
- Vampire Ecstasy (Der Fluch der schwarzen Schwestern; The Devil's Plaything) (1973; Joseph W. Sarno) Sweden, Switzerland, West Germany
- Vampire Family, The (Semya vurdalakov) (1990; G. Klimov, I. Shavlak) Soviet Union
- Vampire Girls, The (Las vampiras; The Vampires) (1969; Federico Curiel) Mexico
- Vampire Happening, The (Gebissen wird nur nachts) (1971; Freddie Francis) W. Germany
- Vampire Hookers (Cemetery Girls; Twice Bitten) (1978; Cirio H. Santiago) Philippines, USA
- Vampire Hunter D (Kyûketsuki hantâ D) (1985; Toyoo Ashida) Japan
- Vampire Knights (1988; Dan Peterson) USA
- Vampire Lovers, The (1970; Roy Ward Baker) UK, USA
- Vampire Moth (Kyûketsu-ga) (1956; Nobuo Nakagawa) Japan
- Vampire of the Cinemateque, The (Le vampire de la cinémathèque) (1971; Roland Lethem) [short] Belgium
- Vampire on Bikini Beach (Vampire on Bikini Beach) (1988; Mark Headley) USA
- Vampire Partner, The (Gui gan chuan) (1988; Lau Chan) Hong Kong
- Vampire Raiders, The (Vampire Raiders: Ninja Queen) (1988; Godfrey Ho) Hong Kong
- Vampires, The (Devil's Commandment; I vampiri) (1957; Mario Bava, Riccardo Freda) Italy
- Vampires (Abadon) (1988 [some sources say 1986]; Len Anthony) USA
- Vampires Always Ring Twice (1990; Steve Postal) [SOV] USA
- Vampires Are Among Us (Vampiri su medju nama) (1989; Zoran Calic) Yugoslavia
- Vampire's Breakfast (Ling chen wan can) (1987; Chung Wang) Hong Kong
- Vampire's Coffin, The (El ataud del Vampiro) (1958; Fernando Méndez) Mexico
- Vampire's Curse, The (Blood of Pontianak; Sumpah Pontianak) (1958; B. Narayan Rao) Singapore
- Vampire's Kiss (1989; Robert Bierman) USA
- Vampire's Night Orgy (La orgía nocturna de los vampiros) (1973; León Klimovsky) Spain
- Vampires of Coyoacan, The (Los vampiros de Coyoacán) (1974; Arturo Martínez) Mexico
- Vampire Teporocho, The (El vampiro teporocho) (1989; Rafael Villaseñor Kuri) Mexico
- Vampire vs. Sorcerer (Jiang shi dou wu shi) (1988; Siu-Lung Leung) Hong Kong
- Vampire vs. Vampire (Yi mei dao ren) (1989; Ching-Ying Lam) Hong Kong
- Vampirismus (1982; Guilio Questi) [TV] Italy
- Vampyre (Vampyre... When Life Is Not Enough) (1990; Bruce G. Hallenbeck) USA
- Vampyres (Blood HungerDaughters of Dracula) (1974; José Ramón Larraz) SpainUK
- Vampyros Lesbos (Heiress of Dracula) (1971; Jesus Franco) Spain, West Germany
- Vanishing, The (Spoorloos) (1988; George Sluizer) Netherlands, France
- Varan the Unbelievable (The Monster Varan) (1962; Jerry A. Baerwitz, Ishirô Honda) Japan, USA
- Variola Vera (1982; Goran Marković) Yugoslavia
- Vault of Horrors, The (Tales from the Crypt Part II) (1973; Roy Ward Baker) UK, USA
- Veerana: Vengeance of the Vampire (Loneliness) (1988; S. Ramsay, T. Ramsay) India
- Veld (Вельд) (1987; Nozim To'laho'jayev) Soviet Union
- Velvet Vampire, The (1971; Stephanie Rothman) USA
- Vendetta of Lady Morgan, The (La vendetta di Lady Morgan) (1965; Massimo Pupillo) Italy
- Vengeance Is Mine (Fukushû suru wa ware ni ari) (1979; Shôhei Imamura) Japan
- Vengeance of Dr. Mabuse, The (Dr. M schlägt zu) (1972; J. Franco) Spain, West Germany
- Vengeance of Fu Manchu, The (1967; Jeremy Summers) HK, Ireland, UK, West Germany
Vengeance of Hurricane Ramirez, The (La venganza de Huracán Ramirez) (1969; Joselito Rodríguez) Mexico
- Vengeance of the Crying Woman (La venganza de la llorona) (1974; Miguel Delgado) Mexico
Vengeance of the Vampire (Jiang shi fu chou) (1959; See Luk Chow) Hong Kong
- Vengeance of the Vampire Women (La venganza de las mujeres vampiro) (1970; Federico Curiel) Mexico
- Vengeance of the Zombies (La rebellion de las muertas) (1973; León Klimovsky) Spain
- Venom* (1981; Piers Haggard) UK
- Venus Flytrap (1987; T. Michael) USA
- Venus in Furs (Black Angel; Paroxismus) (1969; Jesus Franco) Italy, UK, West Germany
- Vermilion Eyes (1991 [filmed in 1987]; Nathan Schiff) USA
- Vicious (To Make a Killing; Wild Boys) (1988; Karl Zwicky) Australia
- Vicious Lips (Lunar Madness; Pleasure Planet; Red Moon) (1986; Albert Pyun) USA
- Victims (Paulie; The Day of the Rapist) (1982 [filmed in 1977]; Tony Vorno) USA
- Victims! (1985; Jeff Hathcock) USA
- Video Dead, The (1987; Robert Scott) USA
- Video Demons Do Psychotown (Bloodbath in Psycho Town) (1989; A. De Gaetano) USA
- Videodrome* (1983; David Cronenberg) Canada
- Video Murders (1988; Jim McCullough Sr.) USA
- Video Violence (1987; Gary P. Cohen) USA
- Video Violence Part 2 (Video Violence Part 2: The Exploitation!) (1987; Gary P. Cohen) USA
- View from the Loft (Pogled iz potkrovlija) (1974; Bernard Fein) YugoslaviaWest Germany
- Viking Women and the Sea Serpent, The (1957; Roger Corman) USA
- Village of the Damned* (1960; Wolf Rilla) UK
- Village of the Giants (1965; Bert I. Gordon) USA
- Vincent (1982; Tim Burton) [short] USA
- Vincent Price: The Sinister Image (1987; Stanley Sheff) [doc] USA
- Vindicator, The (Frankenstein '88) (1986; Jean-Claude Lord) Canada
- Vindictive Snake (Shuunen no hebi) (1958; Kenji Misumi) Japan
- Vineyard, The* (1989; James Hong, William Rice) Canada, USA
- Violated! (The Hollywood Ripper; The Rapist) (1974; Albert Zugsmith) USA
- Violated Angels (Okasareta hakui; Violated Women in White) (1967; Kôji Wakamatsu) Japan
- Violence Jack: Evil Town (Baiorensu jakku: jigoku-gai) (1988; Ichirô Itano) Japan
- Violence Jack: Slumking (Baiorensu jakku: haremu bonba) (1986; Osamu Kamijô) Japan
- Violent Blood Bath (Pena de muerte; Penalty of Death) (1973; Jorge Grau) Italy, Spain
- Violent Deaths (Muertes violentas) (1990; Miguel Marte) Mexico
- Violent Shit (Maniac 2001; Violent Trash) (1989; Andreas Schnaas) West Germany
Violent Virgin (Gewalt! Gewalt: shojo geba-geba) (1969; Kôji Wakamatsu) Japan
- Virgin Among the Living Dead, A (La nuit des étoiles filantes; Zombie 4) (1973 [filmed in 1971]; Jesus Franco) Belgium, France, Italy, Liechtenstein
- Virgin and the Monster, The (Panna a netvor) (1978; Juraj Herz) Czechoslovakia
- Virgins from Hell (Perawan di Sarang Sindikat) (1986; Ackyl Anwari) Indonesia
- Virgin's Music (Devicanska svirka; Song of Virgins) (1973; Djordje Kadijevic) Yugoslavia
- Virgin Spring, The* (Jungfrukällan) (1960; Ingmar Bergman) Sweden
- Virgin Witch (1972; Ray Austin) UK
- Virus (Day of Resurrection; Fukkatsu no hi) (1980; Kinji Fukasaku) Japan
- Visions (1989; Steven Miller) USA
- Visions of Death: Witching Hour (Todesvisionen - Geisterstunde) (1989; Susanne Aernicke, Dirk Eickhoff, Pascal Hoffmann, Volker Morlock) West Germany
- Visitants, The (Night of the Extraterrestrials) (1987; Rick Sloane) USA
- Visiting Hours (The Fright; Get Well Soon; Horror-Hospital) (1982; Jean-Claude Lord) Canada
- Visitor, The (Stridulum; The Visitors) (1979; Giulio Paradisi) Italy, USA
- Visitor from the Grave ("Hammer House of Horror" series) (1980; Peter Sasdy) [TV] UK
- Visitors, The (Besökarna) (1988; Jack Ersgard) Sweden
Visitors from the Galaxy (Gosti iz galaksije) (1981; Dušan Vukotić) CzechYugoslavia
- Visitor to the Museum, A (Posetitel muzeya) (1989; Konstantin Lopushanskiy) Soviet Union, Switzerland, West Germany
- Viy (Вий; Vij; Viy or Spirit of Evil) (1967; Konstantin Ershov, Georgi Kropachyov) Soviet Union
- Voice from the Past (Saut min el madi; Sawt min al-mady) (1957; Atef Salem) Egypt
- Voices of Desire (1972; Chuck Vincent) USA
- Voodoo Black Exorcist (Vudú sangriento) (1974; Manuel Caño) Spain
- Voodoo Dawn (Strange Turf) (1991 [filmed in 1989]; Steven Fierberg) USA
- Voodoo Dolls (The School) (1991 [filmed in 1989]; Andrée Pelletier) Canada
- Voodoo Heartbeat (Sex Serum of Dr. Blake) (1973; Charles Nizet) [missing] USA
- Voodoo Island (Silent Death) (1957; Reginald Le Borg) USA
- Voodoo Lust: The Possession (1989; Peter Davy, Jean-Pierre Ferrand) [X] USA
- Voodoo Passion (Der ruf der blonden Göttin) (1977; Jesus Franco) Switzerland
- Voodoo Sexy (The Black Peacock; Il pavone nero) (1975; Osvaldo Civirani) [X] Italy
- Voodoo Swamp (1962; Arthur Jones) USA
- Voodoo Woman (Black Voodoo) (1957; Edward L. Cahn) USA
Voyage of the Dead, The (Wan li xing shi) (1954; Kung-Leung Yeung) Hong Kong
- Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (1968; Peter Bogdanovich) USA
- Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (Prehistoric Planet) (1965; Curtis Harrington) USA
- Vulture, The (Manutara) (1966; Lawrence Huntington) Canada, UK, USA
- Vultures (Vultures in Paradise) (1987; Paul Leder) USA

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