
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Contact / Support

There are many ways to reach me...

Email: thebloodypitofhorrorblog@gmail.com

Twitter: @BloodyPit

For those wanting to snail mail screener copies of films (yes, people still do that!) or send anything else via the old school method (people still do that, too) and are in need of a physical address, please request one at the provided email address. The same in regards to phone contact or potentially reviewing your film here.

Letterboxd: capkronos


I've recently opened up a Patreon account which, in case you're unfamiliar with the service, is for offering monetary support to artists, writers and various other content creators who generally do their work for free. If you'd like to contribute a small amount of money (as little as 1 dollar a month; or a one-time donation) to help keep this place going and updated more frequently, please head on over to Pateron. I've decided to do this in an effort to potentially free up as much time as possible to produce a steadier stream of content here. Of course, every little bit helps.

Patreon: Pledge your support RIGHT HERE.


spookyx3 said...

need to drop out of patreon for a while. part of some necessary belt-tightening. sorry!

The Bloody Pit of Horror said...

Thank you so much for your support over the years, pal! I appreciate it very much.

HAFanForever said...

Any chance we could communicate through one of these links, because I'd love to chat more with you, but in another way so I'm not leaving a lot of unnecessary comments on your reviews on this blog.

The Bloody Pit of Horror said...

I really need to combine my personal Twitter with the Twitter for my blog since I've been neglecting the latter for quite some time. I do have a personal Facebook page that I use sometimes. It's justin.mckinney.73. It's difficult getting enough time to keep up with everything since doing reviews takes quite a bit of time and I run this place all by myself.

HAFanForever said...

I sent you a message on Facebook just now by finding the name you gave here...at least I hope it's you!

The Bloody Pit of Horror said...

You got the right guy!

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