Friday, November 7, 2008

Z Titles

Films are listed by their original English-language release title when available. If the film has not been officially released in the U.S. then I'll use the informal release title. If that's not an option, then I'll go with the original foreign release title. I am trying to database every horror title made between 1950 - 1990 right here and will constantly be adding more in the future so make sure to check back! A * next to a title means I have it rated and have uploaded a photo but haven't done the review yet. If you see anything missing, shoot me a message and it will be added.


[TV] = Either made specifically for TV or debuted on TV.
[X] = Contains hardcore sex.
[short] = Has a running time of less than 45 minutes.
[doc] = Genre-themed documentary; includes mondo shockumentaries.
[unreleased] = Film has never been released, perhaps not even completed.
[missing] = No prints are known to exist.
BLUE = USA, Canada
RED = Most of Asia, Turkey, India
ORANGE = Central and South America, Spain and Portugal
YELLOW = Most of Europe, Russia
PURPLE = Australia, New Zealand
GREEN = Africa and the Middle East


- Zaat* (Attack of the Swamp Creature; Blood Waters of Dr. Z) (1971; Don Barton) USA
- Zangha (The Rings) (1985; Mohamad Reza Honarmand) Iran
- Zeder (Revenge of the Dead; Voices from the Beyond) (1983; Pupi Avati) Italy
- Zero Boys, The (1986; Nico Mastorakis) USA
- Zero in and Scream (Sex Power; Target Massacre) (1971; Lee Frost) USA
- Zodiac Killer, The (Zodiac; The Zodiak Killer) (1971; Tom Hanson) USA
- Zoltan... Hound of Dracula (Dracula's Dog) (1978; Albert Band) Italy, USA
- Zombie (Island of the Living Dead; Zombi 2; Zombie Flesh Eaters) (1979; Lucio Fulci) Italy
- Zombie 3 (Zombie Flesh Eaters 2) (1988; Lucio Fulci, Claudio Fragasso, Bruno Mattei) Italy
- Zombie 4 (After Death; Zombie Flesh Eaters 3) (1989; Claudio Fragasso) Italy
- Zombie 5: The Killing Birds (Killing birds - uccelli assassini) (1987; Claudio Lattanzi) Italy
- Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence (Zombie '09) (1991 [filmed in 1990]; Andreas Schnaas) Germany
- Zombie Brigade (Night Crawl) (1988 [filmed in 1986]; Carmelo Musca, Barrie Pattison) Australia
- Zombie Child (The Child; Kill and Go Hide) (1977; Robert Voskanian) USA
- Zombie Death House (Death House) (1988; John Saxon) USA
- Zombie High (The School That Ate My Brain) (1987; Ron Link) USA
- Zombie Holocaust (Dr. Butcher: Medical Deviate) (1980; Mario Girolami) Italy
- Zombie Island Massacre (The Last Picnic) (1984 [filmed in 1982]; John N. Carter) USA
- Zombie Lake (Lac des morts vivants) (1980; Jean Rollin) France, Spain
- Zombie Nightmare (1987; Jack Bravman, John Fasano) Canada
- Zombie Party (1989; Rodd Matsui, Samuel Oldham, Scott Tanaga) [short] USA
- Zombie Rampage (1989; Todd Sheets) USA
- Zombies of Mora Tau, The (The Dead That Walk) (1957; Edward L. Cahn) USA
- Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952; Fred C. Brannon) USA
- Zombiethon (1986; Ken Dixon) USA
- Zombie vs. Ninja (Zodiac America; Zombie Rivals) (1989; Godfrey Ho) Hong Kong
- Zombie Walks, The (Im Banne des Unheimlichen) (1968; Alfred Vohrer) West Germany
- Zone of Silence, The (La zona del silencio) (1990; Rodolfo de Anda) Mexico
- Zone Troopers (1985; Danny Bilson) Italy, USA
- Zontar, the Thing from Venus (Invader from Venus) (1966; Larry Buchanan) USA
- Zoom In: Rape Apartments (Zûmu in: Bôkô danchi) (1980; Naosuke Kurosawa) Japan
- Zoom Up: Rape Site (Zûmu appu: bôkô genba) (1979; Kôyû Ohara) Japan
- Zorro vs. Satan (El látigo conta Satanás; The Whip vs. Satan) (1979; Alfredo B. Crevenna) Mexico
- Zorro vs. the Killer Mummies (El látigo contra las momias asesinas) (1980; Ángel Rodríguez Vázquez) Mexico
- Zotz! (1962; William Castle) USA
- Zuma (1985; Jun Raquiza) Philippines
- Zume 2: Hell Serpent (Anak ni Zuma; Daughter of Anik) (1987; Ben Yalung) Philippines
- Zu Warriors (Suk san: San Suk saan geen hap) (1983; Hark Tsui) Hong Kong

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